Can you really know ANYone??


I’ll get inspired by a character or a theme and file it away to use in the future, but really the songs come from just singing to myself all the time. I’ve done it since I was a kid. Used to drive people crazy at home and at school. But still I find myself singing just under my breath and so the melodies all come from the ether which I think makes them natural. I’ll mumble words to go along with the melody, not really thinking about what it means or what it’s about and sometimes a line will stick. When that happens I’ll try to write a song to support it, a story that makes the inspired line true.

For example, with “Something Living In The Green”, that was the first lyric… “there’s something living in the green, this is how I fall in love with you”, then writing the rest of the song is like completing a puzzle. If that line is true, what else is true? Where must the song take place? Who must be thinking/saying these things? What happens next? That’s the fun part.


The Outlaw Tales


Drink yer sugar like a cowboy…