Drink yer sugar like a cowboy…

Hollywood Honky Tonk.

Real country music.

Real Americana.

Deep San Fernando Valley.

Performing solo can be liberating enough, no one to worry about but yerself. No one to coordinate rehearsals with, no one to find replacements for if there’s a last minute cancellation, but hot damn it is FUN to play with other musicians.

Since the pandemic hit, Our Wild America has been a strictly solo affair, but we’ve put together a fine little Americana combo, (guitar, harmonica, bass, drums, and pedal steel), for a few gigs this year and it is wonderful to hear the new songs fleshed-out with the full band treatment.

Our first gig as a 4-piece will be this Wednesday as we join the 12th edition of the Honky Tonk Saloon at Maui Sugar Mill Saloon in Tarzana, CA. Deep valley. This Honky Tonk is run by the captain behind Tar & Flowers, and will also feature a performance by Pio Gabriel.

We all had our first run through of the tunes on Saturday and it was a GOOD TIME. The way it’s supposed to be. People communicating and chasing and challenging with their instruments. Wednesday will be a GOOD TIME as well…

Charlie Weinnman on drums, Zac Shaw on bass, Will Hensley on pedal steel.

Maui Sugar Mill Saloon -18389 Ventura blvd, Tarzana ca 91356


Can you really know ANYone??


Do you pie…?